Billy Zonos is the sex

There are many reasons to adore the man, the myth, the legend Billy Zonos.  First, his devilish wit, sharp as a two-hundred fold Katana and equally as lethal is renowned across the internet communities he visits.  Hope you never feel the stinging lash of his satorical tongue.  Secondly, his dark, imposing features are formed in such a way that mortal woman, (or even man) must find it incredibly hard to resist his charms.  But those are not the reason for today’s mention. 

Billy Zonos makes up part of the R+D deparment for Upperdeck Entertainment that designs the game I love – Vs. System.  With a new expansion just around the corner, preview articles are popping up all over the internet.  Normally, Billy would have an article on each week covering specifics and background information regarding the teams featured in this weeks set of previews.  I say “normally”, because for some reason, this time around, this hasn’t happened.  For some reason, is in a state of perpetual stagnation.  It is not being updated by UDE at all.  I submit occasional articles that get put up, but as for information about the game – nothing is happening.  Some of the details of “forthcoming events” are months out of date.  This is a crying shame and a sad indication of the value that UDE place on Vs. System.  The same can’t be said about our friends in R+D though, who continually try to find ways of keeping the lines of communication open.  This week I was overjoyed to find that Billy had posted his usual “Origins Story” article on his own comic review blog – Read/Rant. 

Billy – thank you very much for continuing to put in the effort.  It is very much appreciated.

2 thoughts on “Billy Zonos is the sex

  1. …and now i’m kind of speechless. thanks, man.

    speech back: that last sentence would’ve been more than enough, but i definitely appreciate the two thick paragraphs of awesome that preceded it.

  2. Don’t mention it. You know that if you guys all died tomorrow you’d end up being cannonized by the Vs community. Not that I’m trying to give you any kind of mass-suicide ideas or anything.

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